Leon County FL Tree Ordinance

Tree cutting services can cost as much as $2,000. Chopping down a tree can prove to be a serious investment. You don’t want to compound this already high cost with further fees and legal frustrations.

Still, some projects require tree removal, and some trees need to be removed for other reasons. For cases like these, you may need a permit.

Keep reading to learn what situations require a tree removal permit, what you’ll need to do, and exceptions to the rules.

Tree Cutting Basics

Tree removal falls under the broader category of environment management in Leon County. This often means you must acquire a permit to remove a tree. Permits come with various stipulations and requirements.

Tree pruning, however, has no such requirements. Basic care and maintenance for your trees require no permit. If all you need is some light tree trimming, you can do as you will.

Permit requirements can be more stringent for some types of trees. The most notable among these are the live oak, dogwood, and longleaf pine, which together make up Tallahassee’s official trees.


Any tree removal activity requires compensation for the potential environmental impact of the project. This can include replanting trees, transplanting the trees from their original location to a new one, or paying a fee in lieu of either of the above.

Choose the solution that best fits your project. Planting a proportional number of new trees can be cheaper, but if you’re on a time crunch and it’s within your budget, the fee might be easier to swallow.


Single-family residential properties almost always skip the need for a permit, unless the tree falls under one of the city’s protected types of tree. If you’re an individual homeowner removing an unprotected tree less than 36 inches in diameter at breast height (36 DBH), you usually won’t need a permit. If you’re not sure your tree falls under any protected classes, contact a certified arborist.

Likewise, you can remove trees that present a danger to tree health, have an infestation, or have been damaged without a permit. In some cases, this still requires verification by the County Administrator or a representative. This also means you’ll need to contact a forester or certified arborist.

Tree Removal Process

To receive a permit for tree removal, you must submit three documents and a fee to the City of Tallahassee. These include a complete application form, a notarized affidavit, and a location map including major cross streets and tree locations.

The permit application fee currently stands at $273. Checks can be made out to the City of Tallahassee.

Be Proactive

Whether you need to enable a new addition, prevent the spread of pests, or want to improve your property’s aesthetics, don’t wait to pursue tree cutting service. Just make sure to get everything squared away with the government before you commit to such a project.

We offer tree removal services that can fit the scope of any project at a fair price. Contact us today for more information, and learn why we’re Tallahassee’s standard bearer for reliable, safe, fast tree removal.

Pro Tree Service prides itself on providing Tallahassee and its surrounding areas with the highest quality tree care. Continuing to educate ourselves in all areas of Arboriculture & safety practices sets us apart. We strive to set the standard in Tallahassee for reliable, and professional tree services.

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